1) When you click the "Subscribe" button on the upper right of this page you will see the following...
Membership Selection Type
Click "Subscribe" under the "Individual Membership" block. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2) You will then see the following form...
Individual Sign Up
Note the + / - buttons to the right of the "Choose what you pay" box. The minimum membership fee is shown as the default amount. Please consider increasing this amount as a donation to your Club. Every increase supports the club's efforts in covering our EFMLS association dues/insurance, ensures top notch monthly speakers and keeps us able to provide field trip access to Maine's world class pegmatite collecting localities.
Please fill in all the requested fields. At this time we can only accept credit/debit cards as payment. We have very limited volunteer staff to manage our memberships; however, if you need to pay by a different method, contact membership@mainemineralclub.org for instructions. Please note that there is a $10 processing/handling fee on all payments made outside of this portal. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3) If all goes well with the transaction you will be sent to the following page...
Individual Account Screen
Please note juniors are not eligible to have to an Individual account (we're working to get the "Preference" block removed from this form).
You have successfully joined the Club - Congratulations and Welcome!
Setting up a Family Membership is a bit more complicated than setting up an Individual account. This is because the membership portal sees Family Memberships as two separate memberships: one that has paid a fee (known as the "group manager"); and the second that is associated with the first, but at no additional charge. Both individuals have, in essence, a separate full Individual Membership to the Club. Each can log onto the system and make changes in their individual account, but only the Group Manager may make changes to the Family Membership.
The person in the family who purchases a Family Membership is known as the "Group Manager" and they will then "invite" their spouse/partner to their family "Group". The number and names of any associated "youths" (<18 years of age and living under the same roof) will also be recorded.
So let's setup the Group Manager...
1) When you click the "Subscribe" button on the upper right of this page you will see the following... Click "Subscribe" under the "Family Membership" block. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2) You will then see the following form...
Family Subscription
Note the + / - buttons to the right of the "Choose what you pay" box. The minimum membership fee is shown as the default amount. Please consider increasing this amount as a donation to your Club. Every increase supports the clubs efforts in covering our EFMLS association dues/insurance, ensures top notch monthly speakers and keeps us able to provide field trip access to Maine's world class pegmatite collecting localities.
Please fill in all the requested fields. At this time we can only accept credit/debit cards as payment. We have very limited volunteer staff to manage our memberships; however, If you need to pay by a different method, contact membership@mainemineralclub.org for instructions. Please note that there is a $10 processing/handling fee on all payments made outside of this portal. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3) Once the transaction is complete you will see the following form...
Youth Information
Please fill out as appropriate. Note, separate names with commas. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4) You will then see this form... NOW YOUR ARE 1/2 DONE!
Add 2nd Family Member
To add the second family member you must click "Subscriptions"... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
5) You will see this form...
Copy Link
This is how you "invite" your 2nd Family Member to join your Family Membership.
Simply click on the "Copy" button to copy a unique invitation link into your clipboard. Then exit the portal and copy the link from you clipboard into an email to your spouse/partner. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
7) When they click on the link you have emailed, they will see...
Invitee log in
They simply need to click the create account button and fill out the forms.
If there are youths in your family group, there is no need to reenter the youth fields.
Group Members
Spouse/Partner members do not pay or renew on their own. HOWEVER, they do have the option of leaving the "Family Membership Group". In this case, they become unattached to a Group Manager, and can then purchase an Individual or a Family Membership of their own.